Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for desktop and server, with a fast and easy install, regular releases(6 month cycle), a selection of excellent packages installed by default, every other package you can imagine available from the community, and professional technical support from Canonical Ltd. and hundreds of other companies around the world.
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Lets enjoy my test drive to Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala :
My Test Machine:
AMD64 3000+ Processor
MSI Motherboard
512 DDR II Ram
ESPON C 58 Printer
Samsung Monitor.
Media used: Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala 64 bit.
I greatly impressed by its installation, it was smooth, quicker than previous version and use default use ext4. Graphic is change for the first time.
Whats New in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala:
Linux Kernel – 2.6.31-14-generic
Default Desktop – Gnome 2.28.1
New blue tooth configuration tool: now you can easy surf net with your blue tooth modem(GPRS/EDGE/3G)..
To know more about Gnome 2.28 read this.
Multimedia :
You can't play MP3 and other audio/video format as it doesn't come with out of box. so, I simply downloaded the codecs and it gave me sound multimedia experience.I also download flash and some firefox plugins like adblock plus.
Fast booting, fast desktop experience, it also enhanced my UPS buttery life from 13minute in XP to 18 minute.Its rocks for me because it is rock solid enough and virus free environment.
Internet Experience:
today Laptops are manufactured keeping in mind that it should provide rich internet experience. I must say Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit provides rich net experience with Firefox 3.5.
there is openoffice.org 3.1 . I know it can't compare with ms office as it is little bit slow but for Linux user it is the only option available . But it can beat ms office in terms of feature and stability.
My advice: Use abiword for word processing and Gnumeric for spreadsheet, these are faster than ms office application.
Final words:
I don't think windows any version can compete Ubuntu now, only Mandriva 2010 and openSuse 11.2 can do this job , but future will tell which one is better among these three.
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