Jun 11, 2012

Play With Xampp on linux 32 bit and 64 bit OS

In Previous blog , I just taught you how to install Xampp on 32  bit and 64 bit distro , in this tutorial I am going to  tell you how to make web development easy on Linux. When you work on Linux environment everything is not easy as it is stable and secure , you have to come up with lots of issues and how to solve it.


 Xampp on linux 32 bit and 64 bit OS

Problem no.1
How to give write permission to /htdocs  to create folder and files?

This is one of biggest issue after installing xampp as we have to create .php files under /htdocs folder

solution : Its not a  rocket science to give write permission to a folder .

open terminal

Note if you use KDE then use su command else use sudo.

after opening terminal write


sudo chmod 777 -R /opt/lampp/htdocs

Problem no.2

Which editor will be best?

solution: If you want dreamweaver like editor then
kompozer will come closer ,if you want fast and stable editor there is numeros my personal favorite are

  1. kate
  2. geany
  3. gedit (you have to twaeked it)
  4. bluefish
  5. kompozer

Problem no. 3

Which browser will be better?

solution : I prefer Firefox over any browser and don't know why. You can work with any browser of your choice . My top 5 browser are

  1. firefox
  2. chrome
  3. opera
  4. safari
  5. konqueror

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