Marc Poirette has announced the release of PureOS 6.0, a desktop Linux distribution with GNOME 3 based on Debian's "testing" branch: "PureOS 6.0 is a multilingual live CD/USB based on Debian 'testing' with GNOME. Supported locales: FR (France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland), EN (USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, India), others (Brazil, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey). Main features: Linux kernel 3.5.3 and GNOME 3.4.2 (GNOME Shell + GNOME Classic). Internet: Chromium 21.0 with Flash player. Multimedia: GNOME MPlayer. Graphics: Evince and Eye of GNOME. System: GParted, smxi/sgfxi scripts, scripts for modules management: activate, debs2lzm, debs2lzm-file, dir2lzm, lzm2dir and find2lzm." The release announcement includes the full package list and a list of download mirrors. Get the live CD image from here: PureOS_60.iso (683MB, MD5).
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